brain model

Traumatic Brain Injury

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Traumatic Brain Injuries and Concussions

The brain is one of the most complex parts of the body. The effects of concussions and blows to the head are a focus of many current scientific efforts, especially amongst athletes.

One of the things that makes a traumatic brain injury (sometimes referred to as a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury or Concussion) so complicated is that it can take time before it’s apparent that a brain injury occurred. Initially, emergency medical personnel may be focused on more obvious injuries. As a result, brain injuries can be easily overlooked. Even after a brain injury is identified, it can be difficult to know the extent of the injury; the saying is that “people with brain injuries look fine,” and this makes it tough to know what is really going on and the extent of the changes caused by the injury has resulted in.

Common Signs of a Traumatic Brain Injury

Since the symptoms of a traumatic brain injury may not be immediately apparent after an accident, it can be essential to be aware of the common signs.

  • Losing consciousness, no matter the amount of time
  • Being disoriented or confused
  • Dilated pupils
  • Headaches
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Seizures
  • Dizziness or feeling lightheaded
  • Blurry vision
  • Feeling more tired than normal
  • Slurred speech
  • Feeling numbness or weakness in your limbs
  • Memory problems
  • Problems thinking
  • Issues with your concentration
  • Not acting like yourself in your personality or behaviors


Recovery After a Traumatic Brain Injury

There is often a lot of testing when a traumatic brain injury is suspected, such as MRIs, CT Scans, and more. Some treatments include a variety of therapies, such as language, physical, and occupational. In the worst instances you may also require brain surgery to stabilize your condition and prevent additional problems in the future.

Brain Injury Lawsuit

Claims involving a brain injury require specialized legal experience. Treatment for any accident can be expensive and treating brain injuries can be especially costly and time-consuming and can make it impossible for you to return to work. Brain injuries can include severe traumatic brain injuries, (such as bleeding in the brain or damage to the brain tissue); or a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI) or Concussion. A MTBI/concussion can result in subtle but very serious changes in cognitive ability or memory. A traumatic brain injury claim can seek damages for medical bills, pain and suffering, lost wages, and even future lost income. Often, a traumatic brain injury doesn’t just impact the person who has the brain injury – it can also have a devastating impact on their family, especially in severe cases that result in long-term impairment.

Making a claim for a brain injury can be legally complex. There are often few objective signs to definitively prove a brain injury occurred, as concussions rarely show up on CT scans or even MRIs. These claims require the specialized legal experience that Hardy, Wolf & Downing has developed over years of litigating these claims. A brain injury can cause issues for years. Having a law firm like Hardy Wolf & Downing on your side allows you to focus on healing and moving on with your life. Speaking with our legal professionals will help you determine if you have a case and how to start moving forward. Call 1-800-INJURED for your free consultation.

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